Welcome to the new EPEA Website and Forums. With this major upgrade, user accounts for the website and the forums are linked, so there is no longer a need to have two separate logins, which created confusion in the past.
You MUST be registered to be able to access any of the Forum topics. You can register or login under the Member Login section of the menu.
The Eastern Professional Electronics Association is dedicated to helping the independent television and appliance service center owners and technicians by offering training, service tips and data, and communication with other like-minded individuals.
By now all previous EPEA members should have received dues notices for 2020-2021. If not, please contact us using our Contact Form . Dues are $48.00 per year for full voting membership, website and tech mailing lists. $24.00 for non-voting membership and website access. Anyone or any company in the electronics or appliance industry is encouraged to join.